"Let the little children come to me [Jesus] , and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16) Children are a part of God’s big plan. They are the promise of hope and a gift for us to raise and nurture. Through the Children’s Ministry, we hope to reach the children in their local communities; to allow them to explore the riches of the Bible, to listen, to meet and to follow Jesus Christ.
We aim to know and understand the needs of the children to come out with relevant approaches to engage them with God’s Word. We work closely with volunteers, churches and schools to carry out various children ministry initiatives such as outreach and discipleship events for children; seminars and training for children ministry workers and parents; and children-related resources.
SUPA – Scripture Union Primary-Age
Our annual SUPA Camp is eagerly anticipated by many! Every year, a team of enthusiastic leaders will come together to run an exciting four-day camp for boys and girls. The camp program will be filled with activities and games, bible teaching, craft, night hike and relationship building.
Experiential learning, enjoying the outdoors and bonding with new friends are part of camping with SU camps!
Age Group:
Children (8 – 12 years)
Contact Person:
Janice Sek
03-7782 9592
Does your church have a burden to connect children in your community with Jesus?
Partner with SU to run a camp at your church. Through our teamwork, we hope to add value and leave behind some ideas and skills that will assist you and your team with your next camp planning.
Age Group:
Children (7 – 12 years)
Contact Person:
Marianne Liaw
03-7782 9592
Whether it be Christian Fellowship meetings, chapel services or events, our staff team members share God's Word regularly with students in different schools across Malaysia.
If you're looking for someone to share God's Word in a faithful, engaging and relevant way with your students in school, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
Contact Person:
Siau See Yuan
03-7782 9592
With more than 30 years of history, Vineyard is a Chinese children magazine by SU Peninsular Malaysia published trimonthly. It’s jam-packed with comic stories about Christian living in the children’s everyday life, aimed to lead readers to:
• Pray and meditate on God’s Word, realising God’s good work in their lives.
• Learn about the truth, walking in God’s righteous path.
• Build healthy relationships at home and in school.
• Develop good habits and lifestyle, possessing a healthy temperament.
• Face hardships not in fear but in faith, accepting various challenges in life.
Age Group:
Children (8 – 14 years)
Contact Person:
Sally See
03-7782 9592
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Contact Us
386, Jalan 5/59, Bukit Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor